[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Dave Korsmeyer Talking on the Internet By Dave Korsmeyer There is an ongoing, valuable, discussion about the role of parents versus the role of government when it comes to providing or restricting information to our children. There are many good points about having both sides involved. As a parent, when I talk my child to the bookstore or the library I appreciate the section signs and the indicators the allow me to see the information I desire. I understand and support the location of obscene and pornograpohic material in a known age-restricted area. However, I do not want the freedom that allows me to share information to be restricted. The internet is a two-way commuication media. It is not like the TV It is not like the Newspapers It is not like the bookstore It can act like all of the above, but it is most like the phone system. I request a parcel of information. I receive a parcel of information. If I want to "dial" up som information, then I do. If not, I does not intrude upon my computer. My child will be taught to use the internet as she will be the phone. Don't call someone you shouldn't. - Dave --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]